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Ultimate Frisbee

Ultimate Frisbee Rules: Know The Basics

If you have watched or played ultimate frisbee for a while, you probably know most of the basic ultimate rules. However, if you’re new to the game, all of the intricate rules can create confusion and frustration when trying to play or watch the game. The following video does a good job at explaining...


Ice Hockey Rules: Know The Basics

If you have watched or played ice hockey for a while, you probably know most of the basic hockey rules. However, if you’re new to the game, all of the intricate rules can create confusion and frustration when trying to play or watch the game. The following videos do a good job at explaining...


Soccer Rules: The Basics and Beyond

If you have watched or played soccer for a while, you probably know most of the basic soccer rules. Most of the time, that is enough the enjoy the game. However, there are times when a lesser known soccer rule can create confusion, conflict, and frustration. The following videos do a good job at...


Basketball Rules: Beyond the Basics

If you have watched or played basketball for a while, you probably know most of the basic basketball rules. Most of the time, that is enough the enjoy the game. However, there are times when a lesser known basketball rule can create confusion, conflict, and frustration. The following videos do a good job at...


Volleyball Rules: Beyond the Basics

If you have watched or played volleyball for a while, you probably know most of the basic volleyball rules. Most of the time, that is enough the enjoy the game. However, there are times when a lesser known volleyball rule can create confusion, conflict, and frustration. The following videos do a good job at...


Softball Infield Position Play – First Base

Here are two instructional softball videos explaining how to play the first base position. Learn the proper body positioning to field a hit or catch a pick. Become a better softball infielder by watching, learning, and playing. The videos were produced by MegRem Softball. Defensive Positioning For First Base 2 Drills To Work on...


Flag Football Offensive Plays

Want to improve your flag football team? How about learning some new offensive plays to throw your opponents into confusion? The following videos explain some flag football offensive plays for 5 vs 5 teams and for 7 vs 7 teams. Depending on the number of players allowed in your league, you may be able...


Softball Infield Position Play – Third Base

Here are two detailed instructional softball videos explaining how to play the third base position. Learn the proper body positioning to field a hit, set up for a steal or a pickoff, and to catch throws from the outfield. Become a better infielder by watching, learning, and playing. The videos were produced by MegRem...


Volleyball Spiking Arm Swing Technique

Want to improve your volleyball spiking to generate more power and control? The overall volleyball spiking technique involves first, the approach footwork and second, the arm swing. The videos below explain, in detail, the spiking arm swing technique, ball contact, and body position, to spike with more power and control. Watch, learn, and play!...

Ultimate Frisbee

Ultimate Frisbee Catching – Advanced Tips

It is always recommended to catch with both hands to securely catch an ultimate disc. But is that all there is to catching a disc? What if you are forced into a situation where you can only get one hand on the disc? The following videos discuss more advanced techniques that will help you...