Tag: leagues

ultimate frisbee

Montréal Ultimate Leagues

If you are interested in joining a Montréal ultimate league, here is a list of league organizers in Montréal. Ultimate Grand Montréal Website: https://montrealultimate.ca/ Ultimate Grand Montréal offers adult leagues during the spring, summer, and fall seasons. Concordia University Intramural Ultimate League Website: https://www.concordia.ca/campus-life/recreation/intramurals/ultimate.html “Concordia Intramural Ultimate is a co-ed......


Montréal Hockey Leagues

If you are interested in joining a Montréal hockey league, here is a list of league organizers in Montréal. Montreal Hockey League Website: http://mtlhl.com/ “The Montreal Hockey League is an adult hockey league operating in the West Island of Montreal. There are two seasons of operations, winter and summer with......


Montréal Flag Football Leagues

If you are interested in joining a Montréal flag football league, here is a list of league organizers in Montréal. Montreal Flag Football League Website: http://montrealflagfootball.com/ “The MFL is a competitive 6-on-6 flag football league that believes in playing hard with respect for all players. We’re open to players of......


Montréal Dodgeball Leagues

If you are interested in joining a Montréal dodgeball league, here is a list of league organizers in Montréal. Dodgeball Montréal Website: https://www.dodgeballmontreal.com/ “Dodgeball Montreal is a recreational level dodgeball league that wants to provide an enjoyable playing experience at all levels of play. We want participants to play with......


Montréal Soccer Leagues

If you are interested in joining a Montréal soccer league, here is a list of league organizers in Montréal. Montreal’s Friendly Soccer League Website: https://www.soccermontreal.org/ “MFSL is a friendly soccer league. Join us to relax by playing soccer in the greater Montreal area.” Dreams Passion Montreal Soccer League Website: https://sportspassionmontreal.com/......


Montréal Softball Leagues

If you are interested in joining a Montréal softball league, here is a list of league organizers in Montréal. Montreal Softball Website: http://montrealsoftball.com/ “Our league consists of some competitive and recreational divisions where fun and fair play is a must! Our season debut is in May and with playoffs included,......


Montréal Basketball Leagues

If you are interested in joining a Montréal basketball league, here is a list of league organizers in Montréal. DBC’s Roy Savory Basketball League Website: https://www.dbcmtl.org/ “RSBL started in 1996 with 4 teams and now there are over 80 teams. It has grown into one of the largest recreational leagues......

Indoor Volleyball

Montréal Volleyball Leagues

If you are interested in joining a Montréal volleyball league, here is a list of league organizers in Montréal. Club Montréal Sport and Social Website: https://clubmontreal.ca/leagues/volleyball/ “The area’s largest provider of recreational sports leagues, social events and local social networking! With over 10,000 annual participants, Montréal Sport and Social Club......


Vancouver Quidditch League

Have you heard of quidditch? Yes, it is the sport that was played in the fictional Harry Potter series. What you may not know, is that it is also a real life sport! The real life adaptation of quidditch is very similar to the one seen in Harry Potter. A......

flag/touch football

American Flag Football League – Watch & Learn

How often do you get to watch elite athletes play flag football? Often times, the best way to learn is by watching. Mimic, adopt, and apply what you see to your own flag football games. The following are a couple of recent American Flag Football League games, where teams compete for......