Halifax Adult Softball Leagues
If you are interested in joining a Halifax adult softball league, here is a list of league organizers in Halifax. Highland Park Men’s Slopitch League Website: https://www.hpmsl.com/ “The Highland Park Men’s Slo-Pitch League was established in 1979.” Halifax Commons Coed Softball League Website: https://halifaxcoedsoftball.com/ “The league started in 2012 with just......
Winnipeg Adult Softball Leagues
If you are interested in joining a Winnipeg adult softball league, here is a list of league organizers in Winnipeg. Winnipeg Co-ed Slopitch League Website: https://www.wcsl.ca/ “Our League offers all levels of play for slo-pitch and rules that make the game safer for everyone to play. We have grown from ten......
Ottawa Adult Softball Leagues
If you are interested in joining an adult softball league, here is a list of league organizers in Ottawa. Blackburn Ladies Softball League Website: http://www.blackburnladiessoftball.ca/ “For over 50 years, the Blackburn Ladies Softball League has provided a safe space for a diverse group of women to get out, get active and......
Volleyball Warm Up Routine – How to Warm Up for Volleyball
Taking the time to warm up for volleyball is an important part of your sports routine. The two main reasons to warm up is to prevent injuries and to improve your volleyball performance. The following two videos will show how to warm up for volleyball and how to perform a......
Calgary Hockey Leagues
If you are interested in joining an adult ball or ice hockey league, here is a list of Calgary ice and ball hockey league organizers in the community. Calgary Adult Hockey League Website: http://www.cahl.ca “Founded 14 years ago in 2004, our CAHL – Calgary Adult Hockey League is a non-body......
Edmonton Hockey Leagues
If you are interested in joining an adult hockey league, here is a list of Edmonton ball and ice hockey league organizers in the community. Capital City Rec Hockey League & Edmonton Recreational Hockey League Website: https://www.ccrhl.ca/ “Edmonton’s Premiere Rec Hockey League – With 200+ teams we offer a great......
Calgary Flag/Touch Football Leagues
If you are interested in joining an adult flag or touch football league, here is a list of Calgary touch and flag football league organizers in the community. Alberta Flag Football League Website: http://afflfootball.com/ “Introducing Alberta’s new Adult Flag Football League and what better place to start then in Calgary.......
Edmonton Flag/Touch Football Leagues
If you are interested in joining an adult flag or touch football league, here is a list of Edmonton touch and flag football league organizers in the community. Edmonton Flag Football Association Website: http://www.effa.ab.ca “The league is structured to allow for competitive and recreational teams…Season runs from late May to October.......
Calgary Dodgeball Leagues
If you are interested in joining an adult dodgeball league, here is a list of Calgary dodgeball league organizers in the community. Dodgeball Calgary Website: https://www.dodgeballcalgary.com/ “At Dodgeball Calgary, we organize drop-in events, league nights and tournaments for individuals playing at a recreational or competitive level. Dodgeball Calgary is a......
Edmonton Dodgeball Leagues
If you are interested in joining an adult dodgeball league, here is a list of Edmonton dodgeball league organizers in the community. Dodgeball Edmonton Website: http://dodgeballedmonton.com/ “The mission of Dodgeball Edmonton is to provide the premier Dodgeball experience in Edmonton, introducing the sport to new people and adding to the credibility......