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Calgary Hockey Leagues

Last Updated on March 28, 2024

If you are interested in joining an adult ball or ice hockey league, here is a list of Calgary ice and ball hockey league organizers in the community.

Calgary Adult Hockey League

Calgary Adult Hockey League


“Founded 14 years ago in 2004, our CAHL – Calgary Adult Hockey League is a non-body checking competitive adult recreational ice hockey league in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Men and women of all skill levels are welcome to become members of our various skill, playing night, or game time based divisions for our winter and summer seasons.”

ASHL - Alberta Summer Hockey League

Alberta Summer Hockey League


“[Play] TWICE per week, Monday through Thursday nights only, prime time hours 6:00PM -10:00 PM ice slots at Calgary Flames Arenas…Game times and days are rotated with a 30 game schedule plus playoffs ending mid August. We are the best cost per game Summer League in Calgary!”

Western Recreational Adult Hockey League

Western Recreational Adult Hockey League


“The Western Recreational Adult Hockey League (WRAHL) is a recreational non-contact ice hockey league for Calgary and the surrounding area players.

Established in 2003, WRAHL is known for being a League for its members. We are in constant contact with our Team GM’s throughout the season and have learned from players how this game should be played.

We work hard over the summer months to offer the BEST hockey experience possible offered anywhere. We have one of the best ice times in the city and as always, we are very proud to remain the most affordable option for rec hockey in Calgary.”

Heritage Hockey League

Heritage Hockey League


“The Heritage Hockey League (HHL) was established in 1981 in the City of Calgary when six original member teams pooled their ice bookings in order to form a new league. The league has, since it’s inception, concentrated on providing a very competitive level of adult recreational hockey. The league has enjoyed tremendous growth over the years and is currently made up of 30 member teams playing within 4 distinct divisions. Over half the member teams currently in the league have been member teams for ten years or more. The league uses (primarily) prime-time ice bookings at several arenas within the City of Calgary.”

South Calgary Recreational Hockey League

South Calgary Recreational Hockey League


“The SCRHL is a non-bodychecking, non-slapshot league aimed at adults who would like to play refereed morning and evening ice hockey games one to two times per week for recreation, fun, and fitness. All games in each division are scheduled at convenient locations in South Calgary.”

Calgary Mens Hockey Association


“Welcome to the Calgary Men’s Hockey Association. The objective of the league is to fulfill the CMHA mission statement “To provide an environment to promote good sportsmanship along with clean, safe, competitive recreational hockey”.”

South Calgary Men's Hockey League

South Calgary Men’s Hockey League


Non Contact Hockey League

Non Contact Hockey League


“The Non Contact Hockey League – NCHL is the largest adult recreational hockey league in Alberta. With leagues and programs in Calgary, Edmonton, Grande Prairie and Richmond BC, the NCHL provides “A Better Way to Play”.”

All Cal Hockey League

All Cal Hockey League


“All Cal Hockey League is a premier adult hockey league that has been operating in Calgary since 1988.”

University of Calgary

University of Calgary – Intramural Ice Hockey Leagues


“Get in the action with a whole array of sports leagues and clubs at the University of Calgary. Find competitive and beginner sport leagues, as well as recreational sport clubs for building skill levels and practising techniques.

Intramural sport leagues are open to the general public.”

Calgary Sport and Social Club

Calgary Sport and Social Club


“The CSSC was established in 1996 and has been providing adults with the best co-ed, multi sport experience ever since. The CSSC has grown to host over 4,900 teams each year, serving over 93,000 Calgarians. With year-round leagues, tournaments and events for adults, there are so many ways to get in the game!” The organization offers co-ed floor and street hockey leagues.

Superleagues Ball Hockey

Superleagues Ball Hockey


“Superleagues offers Ball Hockey leagues for Youth, Men, and Women in Calgary and Lethbridge Alberta.”

Western Ball Hockey League

Western Ball Hockey League


“We provide both co-ed 4-on-4 leagues and competitive 3-on-3 leagues to ball hockey players in Calgary.”

Let us know in the comments if there are any other Calgary ball or ice hockey leagues that should be added to the list.


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